Tag: Dreamer

3 Fears That Will Keep You Stuck If You Don’t Get Rid of Them

3 Fears That Will Keep You Stuck If You Don’t Get Rid of Them

Nelson Mandela said, “I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.” Can I ask you something? How often do you feel fear? Maybe you said, “a few times a day, or […]

Here is Your opportunity of A Lifetime (Are You Ready?)

Here is Your opportunity of A Lifetime (Are You Ready?)

Hey family! With everything happening right now due to the corona pandemic I wanted to talk about some very REAL issues that are on the rise. You or someone you know is probably facing a loss of income or employment. You might be feeling isolated, scared, anxious, and alone. You might be wondering what will […]

Struggling To Get Results As A Multi-Passionate Entrepreneur? Let’s talk

Struggling To Get Results As A Multi-Passionate Entrepreneur? Let’s talk

Do you feel like you have to shove yourself (and you’re multiple talents) in a box to fit the mold of society? Do you find it hard to choose just ONE passion project to devote your time to? Are you tired of people putting pressure on you to just “focus on one thing at a […]

In Honor of Kobe Bryant: Be Great At Whatever You Do

In Honor of Kobe Bryant: Be Great At Whatever You Do

I had another episode planned for you today, but after hearing about Kobe Bryant’s death on Sunday, January 26th, 2020 I decided that what I had planned can wait. For anyone who may not be familiar with Kobe Bryant, he was an incredibly talented and highly disciplined athlete who mastered the game of basketball. With […]

Here’s Why I Almost Stopped Blogging & Podcasting

Here’s Why I Almost Stopped Blogging & Podcasting

Wussup y’all! It’s been a minute. I have been really busy working on my new online course that is launching in January 2020! I’m super excited about it. This course is going to be power-packed with all of the strategies and step-by-step processes I use to crush all of my goals including starting my business, […]