true or false?

you can't fit a big dream into a small life

Dreams are like rocket fuel, designed to launch you to new heights, to stretch your capabilities, and to paint the canvas of your life (and the world) with hope, inspiration, and the sweet taste of accomplishment. The question is, are you ready to start living yours?

Now let's be real here...

Not everyone is ready for a coach. But the very fact that you’re here, right now, reading this, tells me that you just might be standing smack-dab at the crossroads of potential and transformation. Grab my hand and I’ll show you 3 ways we can work together!

don't you think?

life is too short to waste it living on the sidelines

How much further along in your life and business would you be if you took consistent action towards your goals, had regular accountability, and knew how to structure your days, weeks, and months for maximum productivity? Probably further than you are now. So how much is not having these things really costing you? 92% of people fail to achieve their goals every year.

In our coaching experience you won’t be one of them.

Every goal should be aligned with your purpose
Thank you Tee!! I actually had so many takeaways. What really struck me was your teaching that "every goal should be aligned with your purpose" & not to be burdened by our responsibilities but see them as blessings.
- A. Highland
Simple steps to get my mind focused and my rear in gear
Tee you were amazing!!! So laid back and easy to follow. Simple steps to get my mind focused and my rear in gear to take action. Thank you!

ready for insane growth?

Achieving your goals & radically transforming your life starts with a decision

Create a whole new life in 4 weeks or less. This isn’t about setting a bunch of goals and seeing what sticks. This is about having strategic goals that challenge you to RISE


what coaching includes

everything you need to upgrade your life

intensive performance training

Discover what you're capable of with training that's designed to expand your capacity and dismantle your limitations.

deep dive Coaching sessions

Gain the breakthrough coaching you need to reinvent yourself, subdue your fears, embody courage, and take your life to the next level.

tools & resources

Increase your ability to perform with healthy, productive, wholesome practices that lead to the fulfillment of your goals

you might remember me from: 

coaching opportunities

to accelerate your sales, performance, & personal growth

starting at $350/session

Book A Deep Dive Strategy Session​

Whether you want to become a master of your time or skyrocket sales this personalized strategy and coaching session is your lifeline. When things get overwhelming, nothing’s clicking, or you hit a roadblock, book a session to regain your flow.​


*brand new*: early bird rate

90 Days: One Goal

While most people spend their life aimlessly sleep walking through each day history is being written as we speak. The question is, which side do you want to be on? For the very first time, I’m launching a mastermind for future world leaders, those who recognize they are agents of change and are already putting in the work. If that’s you click the button below to learn more

starting at $25k

the trailblazer experience

Ready to step into the trailblazing version of yourself? This high-value 12 month coaching experience will radically transform your life and business by providing the ongoing support and accountability you need to effectively lead and transform your organization. With a compelling vision for the future and the ability to flawlessly execute on strategy there is no way your goals won’t become your reality.


are you ready?

Take your goal achievement game to the next level this year

If you find yourself struggling to figure out how to get life to work for you, grinding overtime to achieve your goals,  settling for the way life is instead of going for what you want, or waiting for things to get better but they rarely do I invite you to join the waitlist for our brand new membership RISE. In the words of our clients “You’ll be glad you did!”

it's free!

how to turn your goals into reality

binge listen to the podcast

Setting and achieving goals can feel like a rollercoaster! In fact, statistics show that the average person sets the same goal 10 times without success! That’s why I created the How To Turn Your Goals Into Reality podcast to share principle-based strategies and trade inspiring stories to prove the things you want are 100% possible!  Join the thousands tuning in monthly!

is this you?

calling all trailblazers

Tired of the cycle of setting goals and not quite hitting the mark? It’s time for a change. Step into RISE, my exclusive monthly membership, where you’ll find strategic coaching, rock-solid accountability, and the unwavering support you’ve been craving to make waves in your life and business.

Ready to Crush Your Goals?

Hey friend! Going after big goals alone can be tough. That’s why I created the perfect companion just for you! My simple mini-course will guide you from A to Z on how to start moving your life in the direction you want. With fresh perspectives, inspiring stories, and easy-to-follow strategies, you’ll be heading down your yellow brick road to success in no time.

Want in? Just pop your name and email below and let’s get started!