What Is The Purpose Of Your Life?


What Is The Purpose Of Your Life?

Welcome, welcome, WELCOME! 

If you’re new here, it’s nice to have you, if you’ve been here before welcome back! Today we’re talking all about you. As most of you know this month we’re doing a self-awareness challenge for the next 30 days (you can join us). Let’s use this time to dig deep in self-discovery so that we can become better versions of ourself. You ready? Alright,  let’s go!

Why are you here? I mean really, what is the purpose of your life? Do you know that you were sent here to do something specific? Do you realize that you were designed with a particular task in mind? That’s incredible, I know! Your life has more value and meaning than your aware of and your purpose is hidden in self-awareness.

“We won’t be distracted by comparison if we are captured with purpose.”
– Bob Goff

Dictionary.com describes purpose as “the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.” Essentially purpose is a clear target for your life to aim at. Purpose gives us clear direction and hope. It’s an invisible focal point for us to measure our lives. You know if you’re walking in the right or wrong direction when you know what your purpose is. Align yourself with your purpose and bring that vision to life.

But what if you don’t know your purpose? How do you figure it out? Start with self-awareness and truthfully it’ll be easier than you think. 

1. Make a list of everything you do well (example: writing, organization, administration, speaking, etc.)

2. Put a check mark beside everything you enjoy.
3. Then make a list of every career or job that you enjoy and would do for free (example: administration, teaching, singing, etc.)
4. Now compare list #2 (the things that you do well with a check mark) with list #3 (every career or job that you enjoy) and look for common threads. Make 3 new lists for the top 3 themes you identify.

This will help you to better identify your purpose

“Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.”
– John F. Kennedy

Contrary to popular belief your purpose can be more than one thing. God designed us with multiple gifts, talents, and abilities. We have the capacity to run multiple businesses, completely implement every good idea, and operate at our highest level. We were designed to complete more than one task so don’t limit yourself.

Once you know your purpose you no longer have room for time wasting activities that don’t produce the results you’re here to create. This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t engage in fun activities or rest one day a week, it just means that you treasure your time because you understand that it’s limited and you’re on a mission.

Believe it or not, you’re already aware of your purpose. You just have to unlock it through self-discovery and patience.

Until next time,

Theresa Forever



  • Such a good blog post, i really makes you think so much deeper. Why are we here? What is it that I wanna do in my life? No wasting time once you have your goal… just reach for your dreams!

  • A few years ago I was obsessed with finding the answer to this question. It’s amazing when that lightbulb finally goes off.

  • Such great advice for us all on our journey of purpose. Thanks for dropping some amazing gems.

  • This is a great post to help people to understand the meaning of life and the purpose we are here. I like the free self awareness exercise which include make a list of things that we are good at and identify the things which makes us happy and enjoy doing it. I believe this exercise will lead us closer to our purpose. Which is a very good thing as we don't waste anytime daily and live to our fullest.

    • Np! I enjoy helping you develop and deepen your self-awareness!

  • Loved your self awareness exercises and I found them to be very helpful. I would love to define what are my life goals 🙂

  • This is such a great thought provoking post, it has really made me think about what my purpose is. I am sure so many people will gain a lot from reading this.

  • This is such a great post to remind us to take reflection on the paths we have taken and of the ones ahead. I have been so blessed to have had so many of my paths I’ve taken pointed me in the direction my life truly was meant to be.., 🙂 Daisy

  • This post reminds me of the book I completed when I was about 16 it was called The Purpose Driven Life, What on earth am I here for. While it leans more towards the religion aspect. I Like the question you have caused your readers to think about.

  • I think this is a great strategy to live a meaningful life, although I KNOW it is not true. Of course, there is one purpose that is a biological mandate, reproduce the species the only one that has a scientific justification. The rest of the things I can or cannot do are just aleatory characteristics. My hopes, dreams, and wishes are just human creation to give "meaning"to life. REligion, ideology, and whatnot are just our creations. We divide the given space in equal parts to make them functional and we forget those "parts" are artificially created. We divide he given existence in equal parts and call it "time" and then become stressed by its flow. We divide to make things fit into our comprehension. Then we divide our only purpose to make it fit in our own creation needs. Our society "needs" poets, architects, doctors, etc. But that is not given by a supreme being who has lined out or purpose. It's ourselves, but we've forgot about it.

    • Interesting perspective and I value your insight. Thanks for sharing! However, I disagree and I stand behind everything I've shared in this post. Xoxo!

  • I think you have said it all in this self guidance tips. It is going to be much helpful for each and every person in any point of their life.


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hey there!

I’m Theresa Forver

a girl who started an online business that went from $0 – $4k in less than fourteen days

There is nothing I love more than walking along the lake, eating fish tacos, and the scent of a lemongrass candles while working from home with my 2 year old Michael in my lap and my sweet girls Layah and Maya singing “let it go!” in the background!

My mission? To help people like you step into your purpose and achieve goals that matter because life is about more than collecting pay cheques and stunting on the gram.

You are here on PURPOSE! Live like it.

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