Take Responsibility For The Results In Your Life & Business


Take Responsibility For The Results In Your Life & Business

Hey! Welcome back. Today we are talking about how to take full responsibility for your life and business to hit your goals and experience your wildest dreams! I know, at the beginning of this year when you set your goals you were fired up, ready for any obstacle and 100% committed to changing your life. Now we’re a few weeks into the year and things are still looking the same as last year, am I right? You don’t see any progress, you aren’t as motivated to do the necessary work, and you’re starting to feel straight up FRUSTRATED! Don’t worry I got you. This episode is EXACTLY what you need. Hit play and let’s go!

new here

If you’re new here WELCOME! My name is Theresa but my friends call me Tee! Feel free to do the same! I help goal-getters, leaders, and big dreamers who struggle with self-discipline and procrastination to take action on their big, crazy business and lifestyle goals so they can live 100% in control of their life! Unlike many who tell you achieving BIG goals takes a long time, I show you how to do it in 90 days or less using proven strategies! If that’s you sign up to join my email list so you never miss a post!

Let’s be Honest

Before we jump in I have to tell you, I had something completely different planned for today’s episode! I mean, it was a totally different topic, we were going to get into the practicalities of goal achievement and I was going to share my goal for this quarter (90-days), but after connecting with many of you and hearing about your struggles I decided to shift gears and dive into this topic because let’s be honest…you NEED it!

Related Post: What Do You Want To Be True This Time Next Year?

Setting and achieving big goals is simple, but it’s far from easy! It’s the last thing anyone wants to commit to (including me) because it’s challenging, uncomfortable, and it can feel scary. This is why we all need a motivating WHY! We need something compelling to keep us focused, sober, and alert so that we actually follow through on our goals. Are you with me? This is why knowing and understanding your purpose is VITAL


For me and my clients, the only motivating factor is PURPOSE. Without it, goal setting is useless and empty! Totally void of any real substance that will sustain you when the obstacles arise. Your purpose is your life mission. When you understand you are here on assignment to do something specific the way you spend your time changes. The vision for your life and business changes. The kind of goals you set CHANGES! I mean, your life becomes an incubator for your creative genius!

Related Post: 90-Day Goals: What They Are, Where to Start, How to Create One

You don’t allow your circumstance, environment, or society to determine the kind of goals you set. You don’t allow your past experience to tell you whether you will fail or succeed. You are committed to creating what you are 100% convinced it possible for you!

Related Post: Stop Waiting For Permission

Goal setting is a tool to help you create magic in your life and business. It’s not to be used for trivial things like just being “successful” for the sake of being successful. It’s not for you to accumulate wealth just to say you have it. It’s for achieving true greatness. Living your life to the fullest. Experiencing your purpose in ways you’ve only dreamed of! It’s to live the life you were created to live full of vibrant passion, contagious love for what you do, and absolute freedom! So why are you not getting the results you want? Why does it feel like you’re on the brink of failure and nothing has changed from last year to this year? Well, it’s because you need to…

Take Responsibility For Your Results

You are in control of your life. If there is something you want and don’t have it’s on you to create it, find it, or do what needs to be done to have it. You can’t just create a vision board, declare that what you want is yours and then expect it to find it’s way to you. Don’t get me wrong, miracles happen and this can definitely be your experience, however, when you take inspired action, do the work and create what you want you are 100% more likely to get what you want. Hit play and let’s talk about this!

the 8% of people who crush their goals

91% of people fail to achieve their goals. This is not because their goals are too hard, unrealistic, or unachievable. This happens because they don’t have a plan (you can hear more about this here) and they are not committed! Winston Churchill said, “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” Writing your goals down on paper is NOT a plan. Talking to friends and family about what you want to do this year is NOT a plan. Praying, hoping, and vision boarding is NOT a plan! Getting practical about how you will achieve what you want is the basis for turning your goals into reality! Following through on your commitment is what gets you RESULTS!

100% commitment

You have to know what you want, why you want it, and what you will do to create it. This is not for the faint of heart or easily dissuaded. 100% commitment is the only way to make this your best year, create a life-changing business, and step into your destiny. I promise there are opportunities are out in the world waiting for you to enjoy them but if you are not committed you will miss them! #StayWoke! Hit play and let’s talk about how you can become RELENTLESS this year to experience what you know you deserve! Total and absolute FREEDOM!


If you don’t stop for anything nothing will stop you. If you want to live your wildest dreams, build a business that can sustain your lifestyle, and truly live your purpose you have to be 100% committed to taking full responsibility for the results in your life. Hit play to hear about how I practice this principle every day. Until next time, I love you stop dreaming and start doing! XO

PS: If you’re committed to making this your BEST year join me LIVE in this FREE workshop so I can show you how to create realistic goals you can actually achieve BEFORE THE END OF THIS YEAR! Ready? Set. GO! Sign up now!

Theresa Forever

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90-Days: One Goal

The goal achievement system  for trailblazers

91% of people goal-getters FAIL to achieve their goals EVERY single year BUT you don’t have to join them!

Meet me in 90-Days: One Goal! A self-study program designed to walk you through every phase of goal achievement from idea to strategetic planning to aligned execution.

This is where goal-getters come to be transformed into  TRAILBLAZERS!

let’s stay connected

hey there!

I’m Theresa Forver

a girl who started an online business that went from $0 – $4k in less than fourteen days

There is nothing I love more than walking along the lake, eating fish tacos, and the scent of a lemongrass candles while working from home with my 2 year old Michael in my lap and my sweet girls Layah and Maya singing “let it go!” in the background!

My mission? To help people like you step into your purpose and achieve goals that matter because life is about more than collecting pay cheques and stunting on the gram.

You are here on PURPOSE! Live like it.

ask tee anything:

got questions?

Curious to hear Tee’s thoughts on a topic, need advice on how to use a 90-day framework to achieve a specific goal, or need help overcoming a challenge that’s getting in between you and your dreams?

Send us a question and you could be featured in our next podcast episode!

top tips:

For Trailblazers

is this you?

calling all trailblazers

Tired of the cycle of setting goals and not quite hitting the mark? It’s time for a change. Step into RISE, my exclusive monthly membership, where you’ll find strategic coaching, rock-solid accountability, and the unwavering support you’ve been craving to make waves in your life and business.