How to Structure Your Life for Greater Success, Deeper Relationships, & Solid Self-Care


How to Structure Your Life for Greater Success, Deeper Relationships, & Solid Self-Care

You’ve heard this a thousand times in a thousand different ways! “The early bird gets the worm”, “do what you can today to create the future you want tomorrow”, “live like no one else today so that later you can live like no one else” and “the best way to predict your future is to create it”.

In this episode, I’m taking you behind the scenes and giving you a backstage all access pass to see how I structure my time to help me achieve my goals faster, stay in alignment with my purpose, make time for deep, meaningful relationships, and ultimately brings me closer to the future I desire. You ready? Hit play to dive in!

True Story:

When I first started preparing this episode, writing the outline, and so on. I wrote out a bunch of inspired ideas as they came to me and it all flowed and made sense but then I reviewed it and thought, “this is not an accurate picture of the order of importance” so I changed things up and instead of having the most important things at the bottom and the most attractive or popular ideas at the top, I thought about what was true for me and my lifestyle and reorganized this blog to reflect that!

So Here Are My Golden Rules

How to Structure Your Life to Create The Future You Want


The first and most important step in creating your dream life is to make sure that you include rest. Without rest, you won’t have good health and without good health, you won’t have the strength and energy needed to turn your dreams into reality (literally!). Your health

  1. Can’t be replaced. It can be replenished and restored but there is no magic pill you can take for quick results. Restoration takes time.
  2. Is the foundation to a healthy mind, life, relationships, and everything else. If you are not healthy everything in your life will suffer.
  3. Is a reflection of how much you love and value yourself. If you don’t treat your body with respect by nourishing it with what it needs, then no one else will.

Resting allows you to take a break from everything (kids, work, and others included), replenishes your soul, and makes for a powerful, more effective and productive life. You don’t have to take a getaway to the cottage every weekend in order to rest.

You can spend hours soaking up under the sun at your local beach, have a candle lit dinner with a glass of wine with people you enjoy, sleep in while the kids make a mess in their room. Whatever it looks like for you right now in your season of life, it’s all good! As long as you get the rest you need.

What Rest Looks Like For Me:

As for me, rest is having deep meaningful relationships and connections with people I trust. Allowing them to see my heart and other parts of me that I don’t easily expose to others because I feel naked or vulnerable. It also includes spending time with myself while having a great foot massage, doing my nails, or journaling!

Another thing that helps me to rest is my time with God. In the morning I read the Bible, pray, and spend time meditating on principles, wisdom found in proverbs, and the character of God which helps me start my day with more energy and focus to complete whatever I need to get done that day.

What Rest Looks Like For You:

To help you figure out a rest routine that might actually work for your lifestyle, here are some things you can consider:

  • What are some activities you do that feel fun, relaxing, or peaceful for you?
    • Examples: Reading a book, watching a movie with your spouse, playing at the park with your kids, and so on.
  • If there was one restful activity you could do everyday that would fire you up and have you ready for the next day, what would it be?
    • Examples: Sleeping, talking to a friend, journaling, etc.

Whatever rest looks like for you in this season, do more of it. This is what will inspire and give you strength needed to follow through on the big goals that you have!

Related Post: How To Slow Down & Be More Present In Your Life & Business

Create Success From The Inside Out

Every Trailblazer Does This

If you want to know where true success comes from, it can be summarized in one word. Purpose. Does your life reflect your original purpose? Are you being effective in completing the work God made you specifically to do or have you gotten distracted and lost your way?

How successful you are cannot be measured by how many likes you have on the gram, what title or position you hold in your organization, how many people follow you online, how much money you have, and so on, because those things are results that can happen whether you’re living your purpose or not.

Hearing people say “Bro you’re killing it” or “Girl! I’m so proud of you and all the work you’re doing” are cool compliments to get but are usually surface level affirmations based on external forms of “success”. Only YOU know if you are truly living in alignment and that’s the only approval or validation you need, so practice keeping yourself in check.

Keep Your Emotions Under Control

It’s all about perspective

We have emotions for a reason! They are beautiful especially when expressed the right way. I love sharing my emotions and being vulnerable especially in the right relationships and conversations. But when it comes to making decisions our emotions, take a back seat. And trust me, I’ve made many decisions based on how I was feeling emotionally in the moment and let’s just say life would have been easier if I had added some logic to the mix, okay!


Your 90-Day Goal

When it comes to creating our future, we can’t ignore the fact that there are things we get to improve, learn, and change that will help us mature, develop our character, and achieve our goals. The way I measure my performance is by identifying my Key Performance Indicators (which in business is what we call KPI’s).

What Are KPI’s?

These are the things that I can’t delegate or postpone because they have the biggest impact on the outcome or results I produce. For me, this includes things like recording a podcast episode, creating the outline (core content) for my online program, workshops, creating helpful videos about personal development and goal-achievement for Instagram, and so on. 

How to Get Started:

For you, it could be things like writing one song a week, completing one chapter of your book per month, writing emails to send your email list, and so on.

The easiest way to identify your KPI’s is by writing down your goal for the quarter, creating an overview list of the things that will get done in order for you to achieve the goal, and then asking yourself “what are the things I can delegate from this list? And what are the things I am responsible for?

Once you know what your role and responsibilities are in creating this 90-day outcome, you can lay out clear KPI’s and start your 90-day adventure!

Achieve Your Goals The Easy Way

For more ideas on how you can create effective goals that you actually achieve, you can learn more about quarterly goal-setting and achievement here!

And if you want more support in transforming yourself and reaching your full potential, you can jump on the waitlist for 90-Days: One Goal, my signature online self-study program (which is where we have a lot of fun turning goal-getters into trailblazers!) and the doors are opening in the next few weeks! So head over here to learn more and to jump on the waitlist!

Time Management

Master Your 5% Activities

A lot of times we want to build our lives and achieve great things, but we don’t make time to actually work on them. We tell ourselves “I’m too tired.” or  “”I was busy all day, and now I just want to relax.”

When we do this, what we’re actually saying is “I’m committed to my dreams, but…” then we fit in whatever excuse fits our situation. In reality, based on our priorities, we confirm that we don’t take our dreams or ourselves seriously because they are not in our calendar.

So What Do We Do?

Actually commit to your goal. Ask yourself “what kind of person achieves this kind of goal and how can I align myself with that character today?”

Instead of waiting for change to happen, take the initiative to create it in your life. Instead of looking for some magic pill solution to resolve all of your issues and remove the distractions and roadblocks, become the magic pill!

Related Post: Your Gifts Make Room For You. Let’s Work It!

Become The Master of Your Time

I have a full workshop called Master your 5% activities where I walk you through how to be more effective in how you manage your time, crush your KPI’s, and improve your performance to see killer results in your life.

In it, I break down:

  • How you can create traction with your goals even while working a full-time job
  • Why time is more valuable than you think and how to improve your relationship with it so you can get more done without putting in more hours
  • How to master KPI’s

If you want more information, send us an email at and we’ll send it to you!

Project Management

This might be the hardest of the bunch because let’s be honest, crushing long term goals requires work and we don’t always feel like being consistent or doing things that are uncomfortable. And managing projects is one of those seemingly big, never-ending tasks that take up a bunch of time, but! The rewards of finishing what we start exceed the effort we put in!

The Rewards Include:

  •  Building Your Self-Confidence: You learn to believe in and trust yourself again because you know when you give your word or commit to completing something you follow through and get it done.
  • Finishing What You Start: No matter how big or small the project is, when you set a goal and crush it, you get shots of dopamine running through you, adrenaline and motivation inviting you to crush the next task, and creative ideas on how you can get it done easier with less stress or distractions.
  • Maturity: You get to grow, explore your potential, and test your personal limits to exceed them. Here’s the truth. We know we have the potential to do incredible things in this world but we don’t always believe or know with absolute certainty that we will actually do them until we do them! Completing our projects shows us that we have the discipline, focus, and drive to get things done.

Here’s Where You Can Start:

To crush your projects, ask yourself things like: what are my priorities in this season? When are my deadlines? What can I delegate? What needs to be executed now? What’s urgent? What needs my attention today? This will help you gain clarity around where to start and what to focus on during this quarter.

This Is A Lot, Tee!

Now I know all of this may sound like a lot! But here’s the thing. They  don’t need to happen overnight. This is just a blueprint that will help you kick start your journey in a productive direction that yield results.

You don’t need to master them all overnight. Pick what you need now and get started with that.

Oh and bonus tip, following a plan doesn’t mean you will control every element of your life. There will be things that happen that you didn’t expect or see coming. That’s okay. Stay flexible, keep your eyes on the prize, and through it all, choose to grow!

Catch you next time! Hit me up on Instagram and tell me about your transformation! Love you and I mean it! Tee



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90-Days: One Goal

The goal achievement system  for trailblazers

91% of people goal-getters FAIL to achieve their goals EVERY single year BUT you don’t have to join them!

Meet me in 90-Days: One Goal! A self-study program designed to walk you through every phase of goal achievement from idea to strategetic planning to aligned execution.

This is where goal-getters come to be transformed into  TRAILBLAZERS!

let’s stay connected

hey there!

I’m Theresa Forver

a girl who started an online business that went from $0 – $4k in less than fourteen days

There is nothing I love more than walking along the lake, eating fish tacos, and the scent of a lemongrass candles while working from home with my 2 year old Michael in my lap and my sweet girls Layah and Maya singing “let it go!” in the background!

My mission? To help people like you step into your purpose and achieve goals that matter because life is about more than collecting pay cheques and stunting on the gram.

You are here on PURPOSE! Live like it.

ask tee anything:

got questions?

Curious to hear Tee’s thoughts on a topic, need advice on how to use a 90-day framework to achieve a specific goal, or need help overcoming a challenge that’s getting in between you and your dreams?

Send us a question and you could be featured in our next podcast episode!

top tips:

For Trailblazers

is this you?

calling all trailblazers

Tired of the cycle of setting goals and not quite hitting the mark? It’s time for a change. Step into RISE, my exclusive monthly membership, where you’ll find strategic coaching, rock-solid accountability, and the unwavering support you’ve been craving to make waves in your life and business.