Ever feel like life is speeding by and you don’t know where the time is going? Or maybe you’re on the opposite end and you feel like you’re waiting for life to take off because you’re not yet where you wanna be or thought you would be by now?
If you said yes, this conversation with my friend Cassidy is going to bless your socks off… and hopefully inspire you to see your life in a new light.
Here’s the key takeaway. There is no race to the finish line. You get to your destination by walking at a pace that is good for you.
So instead of trying to multi-task, be great at everything, and keep up with Bob Jones down the road, hit play and let’s ride your groove!
Mental Clutter 101:
What is it?
We all have it, but we don’t know what to call it! Mental clutter is a collection of all the ideas, thoughts, and impressions we gather from our environment about about life, people, work, money, and pretty much everything that turns into internal (mental) noise.
What are we supposed to do with this?
Mental clutter is meant to be controlled, filtered, and managed, but most of us don’t know how. We sometimes turn this noise into personal truths that we allow to govern our lives which leads us down a path that is not aligned with where we desire to go. But we don’t know how to interrupt the thinking that got us on this path in the first place and so we stay stuck…
I know…it’s deep! That’s why today, Cassidy is sharing her process for managing her thoughts and getting herself to a place of personal freedom so she can be productive and stay on track with her goals and mommy-ing! (yea…it’s a new word)
Managing Your Energy To Get Things Done
Ever notice that when you get a blast of inspiration, your energy spikes and you feel like you can do anything, but when you’re having a lazy day or just not in the mood to do anything, your energy feels slow and laggy?
That’s because your thoughts are reflected in your actions. What you think about and focus on turns into what you do and who you become and in this episode, you’ll hear some tips on how to align yourself with the truth so you can finally be free!
Stay Connected With Cassidy
Ready To Finally Achieve Your Goals This Year?
*Drum roll please!* The doors to 90-Days: one goal will be opening for the first time later this year! This program ONLY opens about once per quarter to welcome in new students!
In 90-Days: One Goal, you’re going to learn how to stay committed to your goals even when life throws you curve balls, what to do when you fall off course so you can maintain your momentum, how to structure your day for improved productivity so you can overcome procrastination, and a million things more!
Jump on the waitlist to learn more and be the first in line when the doors open later this quarter
PS: When you jump on the early-bird list, I send you some really cool tips and things you can do in the meantime to get ready for your next level of transformation, growth, and success! You can sign up here!