Yesterday was my wedding anniversary so I spent a whole 24 hours partying like a rock star! Now I feel refreshed (mentally), hungry and physically tired. I want to catch up on sleep, but we both know THAT’S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN so I’m pressing on lol! With only 4 weeks left of this year I’m getting ready to jump into the new year with some sass and class, do you hear me?! Haha, *wink*. I am so excited! How are you feeling today?
As I started thinking about some lessons I learned this year like how to create opportunities for myself and how to be impactful while being authentic I also considered the various challenges within each lesson. As I reflected on the incredible amount of personal development I experienced, I had to wonder why on earth it took me so long to get started.
I quickly realized that I was my biggest stumbling block. I was literally stopping myself and standing in my own way. Without any awareness, I was slowing down my progress by subconsciously doubting my skills and abilities. Of course, I would encourage myself and continually say that “I can do anything”, but at the same time, I would talk myself out of what I really wanted and eventually convinced myself that getting a paycheque was more important than pursuing something that may not work out.
Have you ever done that? Put your dreams on hold so that you could meet the immediate demands of life. Well, how did that work out for you? Are you still in that rat race?
1. Believe that your goal is possible.
2. Believe in yourself
3. Go for it.
Without any action, positive self-talk gets you nowhere. Notice that I said it GETS you nowhere. Not that it’s not good for you or you should stop doing it, but it literally doesn’t get your feet moving out of your comfort zone. You have to physically begin to move, conquer your obstacles and get your dream off the ground. Achieving a goal is about having the right mindset and taking the right steps.
2019 is full of opportunities waiting for you to get out and explore them! Don’t waste another year wishing, hoping or dreaming about what’s possible. Get out there and stop dreaming and start doing! My team and I are here to help. Our step-by-step system has guided many people who feel overwhelmed and challenged by their goals just like you. We walk with them through daily obstacles, mindset restrictions, and real-life challenges that physically stop them from pursuing their goals.
If you want to take your goal crushing to the next level jump on a call and we’ll give you all of the tools you need to get your goals off the ground. Wondering how much this cost? It’s 100% free! Consider it my early New Year gift to you! *Cheers* Talk soon, xoxo!