Stop Waiting For Permission


Stop Waiting For Permission

Welcome back! Oh my goodness! You have no idea how much I missed YOU! Hit play to hear a quick update on what I’ve been up to and why I didn’t post a blog last week. I hope you had an awesome weekend! If you’re new here welcome and thanks for kicking it with me! My name is Tee, and I help people who struggle with self-discipline and procrastination take action on their big, crazy business and lifestyle goals so that they can have more independence and freedom. Unlike many who tell you achieving your goal like this takes a lot of time, I show you how to hit them in 90 days or less using proven strategies! So if you’re ready, let’s rock’ n roll!

Quick Update

Before we jump into the show today I want to wish you a Merry Christmas! I hope this week falls nothing short of AMAZING! I know this is the holiday season where most people are slowing down, but I will be batch creating a ton of episodes and blog post to prepare for the next 90 days (January – March) when I will be crazy busy due to the launch of my brand new group online program!

For those of you who don’t know, I am launching my first ever online course that walks you through the practical step-by-step process of how to turn your goals into reality. This is the same strategy I use to plan and execute all of my goals include hitting 10k in less than 90 days, growing my Influence, and so much more! 

I usually only share these secrets with my one-on-one coaching clients but as of November, I closed the doors to my one-on-one coaching program! I am now super excited and looking forward to sharing all of these life-changing processes with you in my brand new online course and the doors for enrollment closes in just a few days on December 31st! So if this is something you are interested in sign up now!

Here’s a summary of what we will cover in this course:

1. Mindset: How to train your mind to work with you to hit your goals and beyond!

2. 90-day framework: I call this the GPS! It’s the step-by-step framework that walks you through how to break down your goals so you can get tangible results from all of your effort.

3. Life-Mastery: You are the master of your life. I show you how to use what you have to create exactly what you want in life and turn all of your goals into reality.

4. Build Momentum: Crush your entire 5-year plan…in LESS than 5 years!

Bonuses include:

1. Maximize Your Life: A LIVE time mastery workshop designed to help you learn how to turn your time into the results you want.

2. Maximize Your Impact: Turn your Instagram followers into clients! In this mini-training, you will get my exact strategy for turning my most engaged followers into clients. I mean, they already love you so why not invite them to take the relationship one step further by turning them into clients? Right!

3. 12 sessions of High-Level Group Coaching: I will hold your hand and walk with you into the land of your dreams. Save yourself the struggle, wasted time, and lost money trying to do it on your own. This includes the added bonus of having group accountability and support to help you to stop dreaming and start doing!

This also includes a 60-day money-back guarantee! Lol, I am so confident you will get results in this program that if you don’t make any progress in 60 days I will give you a FULL REFUND! So there you have it! I promise you this course is power-packed! Sign up here for more information! Enrollment closes in a few days so sign up now!

Stop waiting for permission

Trust me, I get it! For our whole life, we’ve been trained to ask for permission. We’ve been taught to undermine ourselves and think of other people’s opinion as more valuable than our own. We practice second-guessing ourselves and putting our trust in people who seem more knowledgable, skillful, and confident than us. But here’s the thing. What if you actually do know what’s best for you? What if you actually have the answers you’re looking for in others? What if YOU are doing exactly what you should be doing? Hit play to hear examples of how this shows up in your life.

Why it’s important to let it go

Until you give yourself permission to live your best life (whatever that looks like) and to create your version of success you will continue to live someone else’s dream for your life. You will remain stuck trying to fulfill their expectations and meet their demands while feeling empty and purposeless inside. Oprah said the biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of YOUR dreams. How can you experience this exhilarating journey when you’re trying to live up to what others have in mind for you? How can you maximize your life and be the best version of yourself when you don’t even know who that is because you’re lost trying to be someone else for everyone else?

So How Do I Get Started?

That’s easy. Just start! Let go of the pressure to impress others and be liked by everyone around you. Let go of the pressure to have all of the answers and get it all right the first time. Let go of the pressure to perform and seem like you have it all together and just be human! You are a real person who is on a journey to becoming who you’re meant to be. You don’t need anyone to co-sign your journey or approve of your process. Grow, learn, take chances, invest in yourself, and evolve into who you know you’re meant to be.

Will you make mistakes? YES! But that is the beauty of this whole thing! The trophy isn’t getting to the top of the mountain it’s learning how to climb the mountain. It’s not about living a perfect life with no mistakes or having all of the answers before you get started, no. It’s about learning, growing, becoming, evolving, trying new things, and unlocking your true potential!

Here’s the truth

Life is not waiting for you to get it together and time will not slow down for you to get started. You have to start now with what you have. Press play on this episode right now to hear what will happen if you choose to continue waiting for permission to live your wildest dreams! 

To learn more about my brand new online course go here (remember enrollment closes in 7 days!). Until next time stop dreaming and start doing. Love you and Happy Holidays! Xo! 

Theresa Forever

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90-Days: One Goal

The goal achievement system  for trailblazers

91% of people goal-getters FAIL to achieve their goals EVERY single year BUT you don’t have to join them!

Meet me in 90-Days: One Goal! A self-study program designed to walk you through every phase of goal achievement from idea to strategetic planning to aligned execution.

This is where goal-getters come to be transformed into  TRAILBLAZERS!

let’s stay connected

hey there!

I’m Theresa Forver

a girl who started an online business that went from $0 – $4k in less than fourteen days

There is nothing I love more than walking along the lake, eating fish tacos, and the scent of a lemongrass candles while working from home with my 2 year old Michael in my lap and my sweet girls Layah and Maya singing “let it go!” in the background!

My mission? To help people like you step into your purpose and achieve goals that matter because life is about more than collecting pay cheques and stunting on the gram.

You are here on PURPOSE! Live like it.

ask tee anything:

got questions?

Curious to hear Tee’s thoughts on a topic, need advice on how to use a 90-day framework to achieve a specific goal, or need help overcoming a challenge that’s getting in between you and your dreams?

Send us a question and you could be featured in our next podcast episode!

top tips:

For Trailblazers

is this you?

calling all trailblazers

Tired of the cycle of setting goals and not quite hitting the mark? It’s time for a change. Step into RISE, my exclusive monthly membership, where you’ll find strategic coaching, rock-solid accountability, and the unwavering support you’ve been craving to make waves in your life and business.