I feel like it’s been a while since we had a real conversation about what happens when we don’t achieve our goals. It’s easy to sing and dance from the mountain top when life is great and we’re killing it, but our character is revealed when we’re faced with challenges and failure. So how did you do this year? Did you achieve all of your 2020 goals and if not, how did you respond? Are you now frustrated? Growing impatient? Feeling like you’re not _____ (smart, talented, strategic, disciplined, etc) enough?
Whatever the outcome, I want to help you pick up the pieces and persevere because like Winston Churchill said, “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” and if you’re here reading this then you know this is not the end of the story so let’s get started!
The Comeback Workshop
If you’re tired of trying to figure this thing out on your own join me in this live workshop I’m calling The Comeback Workshop which is designed specifically for people who are sick and tired of being sick and tired. Every year you set a goal and struggle trying to attain it only to get to the end of the year and still not have the result you dream of.
I want to help you come up with a solid strategy that will help you break your goals down into attainable steps, help you master your time management skills so you can be efficient, and walk you through a simple way to be consistent even if you struggle with discipline because here’s the thing. Your success is not dependent on how talented you are or how hard you work. It boils down to getting the most important things done when they need to be done and in the right way which are all things I walk you through in the workshop.
So join me live on November 30th, 2020. You can go HERE for more information and to sign up!
2021 Here I Come
Based on your performance with your goals this year you might be feeling like you’re losing steam for 2021. Am I right? You had a vision board, even bought a new planner, and did your best to stay on track with everything, but then life happened. COVID hit and things began to spiral out of control. You’re a fighter so you didn’t give up, but at times homeschooling, working from home, and trying to maintain your mental health might have started feeling a little unbearable.
So first I want to say, you’re not alone. There are thousands (if not millions) of people in the world who feel like you. The overwhelm and mental exhaustion is real so in this episode, I want to help you regroup and reset so that you can start next year with a clear mind and fresh vision. Here are 3 specific questions to help you get started.
Who Where You Being In 2020 That Created Your Results?
Here’s a reality check for some of us. The results that you have in your life are not there by accident. Someone created them. It didn’t just show up out of thin air, things didn’t just happen to you without your conscious effort, acknowledgment, input, and participation. Everything you’re seeing in your life is a direct reflection of WHO you were being this year. So here’s a question for you to really process and see what answers come up for you.
- How did you show up in your life and/or business this year?
- In what areas were you holding yourself back?
- What worked really well?
- Where did you experience resistance?
- Hit play for more!
This episode is definitely one of my favorites this year so grab your journal and make time to work through this episode because it will help you solidify your life, plans, and goals for next year. I love you and I mean it, have an awesome week! Xo.