Do You Know Who You Are?


Do You Know Who You Are?

“Never compare yourself to anyone.”
– Tee Forever

This is such simple advice, but if you apply it, it literally changes everything! We waste too much time comparing ourselves to people (especially the ones we don’t know!) and feeling insecure! Com’on! Let’s be honest. I know I’ve done it! Truthfully, our enemy is not people, it’s how we view ourselves.

“What you think of yourself is much more important than what people think of you.”
– Unknown


So, what! You haven’t achieved your 5-year goal, you’re not married with kids like you thought you would be, and you don’t know your clear, definite purpose. There is no time limit for some of these things. Whose standard are you following? Whose race are you running? Listen to me. Enjoy your process and embrace your story. Life is all about growth through trial and error. We plan, make mistakes, get up and start building again. It’s all good! Yes, you might’ve disappointed a few people, and yes you might feel like a snail, but honestly, there is more to life than achieving goals and hitting targets.

“Do you know who you are?”
– Tee Forever 

Really. Do you know who you are? Don’t tell me about the roles you play (mother, student, employee, entrepreneur, etc.), your strengths (speaking, dancing, administration, etc.), or where you come from. Tell me WHO you are. I want to be very clear. Your identity is not tied up in anything you’ve done or will do. Your identity is found in the fact that you’re loved by God. Bam! I just dropped a bomb on you guys. It probably went over your head so, let me say that again. You are valuable because God chose you. When He created you He said, “this one is perfect, this one is valuable, this one is approved, this one is loved.” All that means is, “this one is good.”  This is a little deep, I know, and you probably didn’t come here for all that, but there’s no way I could talk about your real identity and value without mentioning God.

So, here’s what I want you to take away from this. Your value and your identity can never be derived from external preferences, achievements, or lack thereof. You are highly esteemed right now, even before you’ve accomplished anything. You were created with value embedded in you and no one or nothing can shift or change your worth.

*Bonus: Many of you have shared that I offer a lot of thought provoking, soul searching, and practical life tips here on my blog. I’m glad you’re being inspired! However, I can’t let you stop there. I’ve decided to offer a Free 3-Week Mentorship Program that will stretch you & help you maintain consistent growth. If you’re ready, LET’S DO IT!

Sign Up Here! The deadline is March 7, 2018.

Also, I noticed that you guys really enjoy blog post on Thursday’s, so I’ve updated my posting schedule to reflect what you want! Now you can expect a post every Thursday & Saturday!

Comment below and let me know how you guys did with this month’s challenge of no complaining and what kind of challenges you would like to do in the future! Until next time!

Xoxo! *Mwah! *

There is a famous quote that says “one day or day one”. This means you can choose to postpone your goal eventually get started one day or you can tell yourself that today is the day that you start working toward it. The choice is yours. Have a question, feeling inspired, or just want to say hi? Send an email to Until next time, your girl

Theresa Forever
Founder, 6 Weeks 1 Goal



  • Such an insightful post, I loved reading through it I learnt that
    I can enoy my life and embrace your story. Life is all about growth through trial and error.

  • How wonderful to have such faith; it must give you great strength. A thought-provoking post this, thank you.

    • My faith definitely makes a huge difference in my life. I'm glad I could challenge you a little. Xoxo!

  • This was so nice to read, I am one of those wondering how I am no where near where I thought I'd be at almost 30, I expected children and marriage.. but in hindsight I am glad I never rushed into something or comitted to the wrong people. This post is very empowering!

    • I know what you mean. I'm glad that some of the targets I set for myself never worked out because my life would be completely different and I wouldn't be the same person you see today.

      Everything will work out, in time *hugs*.

  • Love this! It's so important to remember all the time, not just when you're feeling down on yourself. It's better to live your life day to day and appreciate what you have and where God is leading you, not where you wish you were!

    • 100%! Wishing and hoping doesn't change reality. Trusting God and accepting your current reality helps you to become grateful and leads to growth. You got it girl!

  • I think it's so important for us to really get to know ourselves as people. In doing so, we better our ability to learn and respect those around us, and build up our relationships. 🙂

    • For sure. Self-awareness is the foundation for everything we face in life. Great feedback!

  • Reading this really give me nutrient to my soul and brain. Never compare with others, easy to say but really if we practice that, our life would be so much wonderful and happy. 100% agree with that! Why do we compare since everyone is different.

    • Right! Sometimes it's hard not to compare ourselves to others because it's apart of the way we naturally think and feel, but we have to create new thought patterns.

      I'm glad you were inspired!

  • "You were created with value embedded in you". This is honestly worth remembering. And teaching our daughters! <3

  • Such a beautiful reminder that we are amazing we just have to realize our value and love ourselves more. I think this is just what I needed to read today, thank you so much!

  • This was a very insightful post, I like your positivity and inspiration. Too often we forget to love ourselves.

    • I'm with you. We get busy, we face challenges, things change and we don't prioritize our well being. That has to change 🙂

  • Boom! I'm a Catholic girl. Church every Sunday since my mom could carry me in and me walking in since then. So your statement about God is one that I truly believe!

  • Amen! We are all created in His image and when He created us He called us GOOD. Thanks for the reminder!

  • What a beautiful post! I agree, we spend so much time in complicating out life by comparing, expecting, and trying to be someone we are not. Thank you for this post and the inspiration, being myself, being thankful and staying humble is what I try to do.

    • There's so much peace in living that way. It's good to know I'm in good company. Thanks for sharing!

  • This is such a provoking posts though. We do not compare ourselves to anyone. I am glad that I came across to your blog. Worth to read.

  • Does anyone really know who they are? I think that very few of us really have the perfect life that they planned ever since childhood. But life is not about that, life is about the unexpected and the joy we get from small things.

    • The unexpected definitely adds an element of adventure! And I agree, I think because we're continually growing we never stop learning about ourselves.

  • This is important that we know what we want in life and passionately work on that no matter we fail or succeed. Live for ourselves and live fully.

  • I completely agree with what you said! I have come to a point in my life were I value myself and I stopped comparing me with others. Yet I struggle with others who can't see my value.

    • I hear you. I think if someone/people don't see your value, it's okay for you to let it go, continue to be yourself, and eventually they'll get/see it. You have nothing to prove. Just continue being the unique person that you are ;).

      You're awesome!

  • I love this, because you are right. Sometimes we are just to caught up in the roles that we play. We forget who we are and you're absolutely right we are valuable because we are loved by God! Love this <3

  • Such an insightful and different post, a great read! You have so much faith. I am not the kind of person who wonders a lot. To me things happen for a reason and each challenge is an opportunity to learn. and makes me who i am so i have not figured it all out yet!

  • I'm so glad I read your post today, we were just discussing this subject earlier with a friend! I'm with you on this. Instead of comparing and worrying, we should try to get to know ourselves. That alone can lead successfully to improvement.

  • Beautifully written and ever so true. If only everyone i the world could open there eyes and see their own beauty that they bring forth.

  • It's so true that what we think about ourselves is more important. We need to be in a place where we are comfortable with who we are! 🙂

  • I hear you! And thanks for this motivational post. By the way, ever thought about working towards being a life coach? You are good.


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hey there!

I’m Theresa Forver

a girl who started an online business that went from $0 – $4k in less than fourteen days

There is nothing I love more than walking along the lake, eating fish tacos, and the scent of a lemongrass candles while working from home with my 2 year old Michael in my lap and my sweet girls Layah and Maya singing “let it go!” in the background!

My mission? To help people like you step into your purpose and achieve goals that matter because life is about more than collecting pay cheques and stunting on the gram.

You are here on PURPOSE! Live like it.

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