What is success and how do I get there? Those are 2 questions we are always looking for answers to (and there is no shortage of advice online). But what if we flipped that question on its head a little? What if instead of asking that we considered, what do I want and what can I let go of to better align myself with it? How much easier would it be for you to be successful? In today’s episode, I’m sharing 4 of the most popular overrated practices that you don’t need in order to be successful. If you want to know if you’re making any one of these mistakes hit play to dive in.
What You’ll Hear In This Episode:
- The truth about working hard and why doing more isn’t always the answer
- How to find your workflow so that you don’t end up burnt out with nothing to show for it
- How to recognize the guiding principles that hold the key to the success you want to recreate in your life
- What to do with what you already know so you don’t end up collecting knowledge cobwebs in the crevices of your mind
- Why success is not a one-size-fits-all experience and how to navigate your journey
I Hope You Find This Helpful
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