Ready to overcome self-sabotage so you can finally explore your purpose, fulfill your dreams, and complete your God-given assignment? Me too! That’s why I had to invite Jennifer, the host of the Heal And Grow Journey podcast who is a health and wellness advocate as well as a trauma survivor to talk to us about the negative effects of unhealed childhood trauma and to do a root cause analysis of unresolved issues so we can understand how it might be showing up in our adult life today and finally resolve it once and for all.
Ready To Do The Work?
In this episode, you’ll hear us talk about everything from what’s causing your self-sabotage to how and where it all got started (in childhood). It’s a pretty meaty episode but if you’re unwilling to do the work I don’t want you to hit play. Instead, you can download it and save it. Then when the day comes that you want to address and work through the fears and things in your life that have aided you in playing small for years, you can hit play with a journal, ready to listen, pause, and follow along with this episode.
If you are ready to do the work today, my challenge for you is to listen with an open heart. If you hit play thinking that you’ve heard and know it all, there will be no benefit for you. So dive in with a willingness to examine your life and be real about what’s working and what isn’t
Here In Part One Talk About:
- How to increase your self-awareness to bridge the gap between where you are and where you wanna be
- How to make “healthy choices” that align with what you want to create in your life and put an end to self-sabotage
- Exactly what a limiting belief is, how they work, and how to work through them
- Why your success in life and business is connected to how much you choose to heal and grow
- How your health issues may be connected to your unhealthy thought patterns
- How your fears in life, parenting, and so on are related to your unprocessed trauma
- Why everything you struggle with is a result of the things you haven’t yet healed
- How to declutter your life and mind to create a healthy environment for yourself
- How to find healthy strategies to work through some of the daily challenges you experience
This is only part one to dive into part two of this episode head over here!
Stay Connected With Jennifer:
If you want to work with or learn more from Jennifer, you can check her out on: