Tag: Productivity

What Do You Want To Be True This Time Next Year?

What Do You Want To Be True This Time Next Year?

  Hello and welcome back! If you’ve been following this blog then you know the doors to my FIRST EVER online program How to Turn Your Goals Into Reality is closing in a few days and I am SUPER excited! This power-packed program is designed to walk you step-by-step through how to set and achieve […]

Which Will You Suffer The Pain of Discipline or The Pain of Regret?

What are you doing today to ensure that you don’t have any regrets tomorrow? I mean really, I want you to think about it. Are you making decisions now based on where you want to be (your long-term goals) or do you make decisions based on what’s convenient, available, and easy (short-term gratification)? Do you […]

Are You a Dreamer or a Doer?

Every leader, entrepreneur, influencer, mentor, expert, and teacher all spent time dreaming. This is a necessary part of the goal achievement process. Before you can set out to take action on anything you need to know exactly what you are pursuing. You need a clear end result and it has to be something you strongly believe […]

Principles For Success: Automate Your Success

Principles For Success: Automate Your Success

The easiest way to achieve your goals this year is by creating a system that leads to automatic results. What does that mean? For those of you who struggle with getting consistent results pay very close attention.When you break down your goals into baby steps and create a clear, targeted map for how you will get the […]