Money Lessons: 10k in 30 Days


Money Lessons: 10k in 30 Days

Can you believe it!? We are in the month of February which means we just wrapped up our first 30 days of the new year! Wooohooo!!! We’re 30 days IN!!!! How are you feeling? Are you still fired up and doing the work to make this your most epic year or have you changed your mind?

Whatever your answer is there’s no heat, no judgment. You see, the reason I’m asking is not to stir up any feelings of guilt or insinuate that you’ve somehow fallen behind. My reason for asking is simply to bring to your awareness any new decisions you’ve made throughout the month of January and examine whether or not it’s actually what you want or if you’ve fallen into familiar habits/patterns.

The Practice of Awareness

This practice gets you in the habit of being present in your life and making intentional decisions that create the exact outcomes you choose. See, a big mistake most people make is they create a goal do a bit of work for a few days and then fall back into familiar habits and begin to live by default. Circumstances come up and life knocks the vision out of them and instead of holding fast to what they want they talk themself out of it only to end up frustrated and disappointed at the end of each year.

Now Let’s Get Into Today’s Episode!

I’m sharing a 10k money lesson I learned over the last 30 days that has completely revolutionized the way I see and experience money. Most see money as something we have to get. It’s an external, material substance that needs to be acquired and it usually requires a lot of hard work if we want a lot. Some say it’s hard to come by others say it flows freely and here’s the breakthrough lesson I got last month.

Money shows up in your life the way you expect it to. Here’s what I mean, when you say to yourself, this week at work is slow therefore my paycheck will be smaller than usual. You are subconsciously accepting a smaller-than-usual amount of money for that week.

Now the reality is this week at work may be slower than usual, however, money can show up from more places than just the work you do at one place (your job, business, etc)

So let’s say you work as an administrative assistant (which was one of my dream jobs before I started my business) and let’s imagine you have a contract position and your hours fluctuate. Some weeks you work 40 hrs others you work 20. Cool. You know your schedule in advance so when your work offers fewer hours than you’d like what options do you have in terms of generating income? Is it possible for you to create or find another income stream?

(If you’re not nodding your head yes then you may want to take a look at the book Physco-cybernetics by Maxwell. It’s one of my favorites. I recommend it to clients all the time. It helps you to see yourself in a new light and operate at an uncommon level compared to what you’ve done in the past.)

This could be a new business that helps a specific group of people solve a specific problem or a part-time job to develop new skills that will add value to you or some other way to create money. Now when we zoom out look at the bigger picture of things. Where does money come from in the first place? Take a moment to think about that.

Where Does Money Come From?

Maybe you said money comes from…

  • Your employer
  • Your clients
  • Your projects
  • The government
  • The universe

Let’s break this down to see if that’s actually true. Hit play for the full run-through.

In This Episode We Cover:

  • Why we hit financial ceilings in our income
  • How to hit your financial goals way before the deadline
  • The source of money
  • And a whole lot more!

I hope you enjoy this episode and find it helpful! If you have any questions or wanna talk about a specific topic within this conversation hit me up on the gram to let me know! Love you and I mean it. Enjoy your week Trailblazer!

Important Links Mentioned This Week:

Our best-selling time management workshop – Master Your 5% Activities

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90-Days: One Goal

The goal achievement system  for trailblazers

91% of people goal-getters FAIL to achieve their goals EVERY single year BUT you don’t have to join them!

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This is where goal-getters come to be transformed into  TRAILBLAZERS!

let’s stay connected

hey there!

I’m Theresa Forver

a girl who started an online business that went from $0 – $4k in less than fourteen days

There is nothing I love more than walking along the lake, eating fish tacos, and the scent of a lemongrass candles while working from home with my 2 year old Michael in my lap and my sweet girls Layah and Maya singing “let it go!” in the background!

My mission? To help people like you step into your purpose and achieve goals that matter because life is about more than collecting pay cheques and stunting on the gram.

You are here on PURPOSE! Live like it.

ask tee anything:

got questions?

Curious to hear Tee’s thoughts on a topic, need advice on how to use a 90-day framework to achieve a specific goal, or need help overcoming a challenge that’s getting in between you and your dreams?

Send us a question and you could be featured in our next podcast episode!

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For Trailblazers

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