Can we have real talk for a moment? Many people this year did not make a new year resolutions (aka set any goals). For most it’s not because they don’t believe goal-setting works. There have been too many success stories and research studies done for us to play that card. The number one reason found for not setting goals is because that they don’t believe they have what it takes to get it done. So instead they create mental wish lists they hope one day will come true
But until then they keep:
- Grinding to figure out how to get life to work for them (even though it’s been years)
- Struggling to see any progress happen
- Settling for a mediocre life way beneath their actual potential
- And wait for things to get better instead of being proactive about making them better
Now if this sounds familiar and you spent all of last year trying to find “the secret” trust me, I understand.
Research says 92% of people fail to achieve their goals and for a long time that was me.
- I would write my goals
- Memorize them
- Pray for help to get them done
And at the end of every year I would feel more frustrated than the last because here I was 1-3 years later with nothing to show for all of my goal-setting
That’s why this year instead of leaving you to struggle I decided to create a solution for people who were like me. It’s called RISE.
Our brand new monthly personal development and mentorship program that takes you on a journey to radically transform your life. It’s a limited capactiy experience meaning we only have room for a select group of people at this time and you have to be on the waitlist to gain access to the program so if you think being in something like this could be the key to your personal breakthrough with your goals this year then join us. You can sign up for the waitlist at theresaforever.com/rise and you’ll receive an email with everything you need to know.
Can you imagine how extraordinarily different your life could be if you had the tools, support, accountability, and mentorship to get things done? You now have this opportunity. Take advantage of this offer and jump on the waitlist.
Now while we wait for the doors to RISE to open there are some things you can do now to maximize the effectiveness of your goals. It starts here.
Align Your Goals With Your Purpose
The suicide rates are insanely high and in the United States it is a leading cause of death according to the CDC (centers for disease control and prevention). In 2020 45,979 people died by suicide. That is 1 death every 11 minutes. That is sobering.
12.2 million adults seriously thought about suicide, 3.2 million adults made a plan to commit suicide and 1.2 million adults attempted suicide.
For every suicide death, there are 4 hospitalizations for suicide attemtps, 8 emergency department visits related to suicide, 27 self-reported suicide attempts, 275 people who seriously considered suicide and men are at a higher risk for attempting suicide than women.
Now with that being said, if you’re tuning in and have wrestled with suicidal thoughts dont beat yourself up, its normal. The goal is to speak with a professional and work through the underlying things that are triggering or stirring up suicidal thoughts. If you’re in the US test 988.If you’re in Canada call 1-833-456-4566. By November 30th, 2023 people in the US and Canada will be able to text 988, but until then Canadians can call the 24/7 line listed here.
Now the reason I’m touching on the topic of suicide is because feeling a lack of purpose is a contributing factor in the reason why people choose to commit suicide. Hit play for an in depth look at the role purpose plays and something you can do to clarify your purpose if you feel you could use support in that area.
Use A 90 Day Framework
Using a 90 day framework forces you to master your 5% activities and hone in on the things that have the biggest impact on your overall success. Another thing you’ll notice is when you give yourself 12 months to achieve something, it takes you 12 months to get it done, right? And that’s because of parkinsons law. It states that work expands as so to fill the time available for its completion.
This means when you give yourself 12 months to get something done it takes 12 months to get it done. On the other side when you give yourself 3 months aka 90 days to get something done. All you need is 90 days. We talk about this a lot of the pod. You can check out:
- 90-day Goals: What They Are, Where to Start, & How to Create One
- 5 Things You Need To Know Before Working On Your Next Goal
- 5 Beliefs That Are Preventing You From Achieving Your Goals (& How To Crush Them)
Focus on Performance Over Results
You want to focus on managing your performance over the result that you see showing up day to day. You want to make sure that as often as you need to you’re doing things that align with the outcome you desire to create. Hone in on the diligent practices you get to master as you become the kind of person who accomplishes the things you want as a normal by product of being a powerhouse.
Powerful Questions To Consider:
- What are the thoughts, beliefs and practices of high performers?
- What self-affirming thoughts do Trailblazers practice?
- How do they view goals?
- How do they view time?
Now I Want To Hear From You
What have you already tried when it comes to maximizing the effectiveness of your goals?
What have you already tried when it comes to rising up to challenges and pushing yourself to become your best self?
And what are you currently doing to maximize the momentum that you’ve already created for yourself this year?
Hit me up on instagram. Send me a DM and let me know your answer to one of these questions. I’ll see you in the next podcast episode. Love you and I mean it chao for now!