Tag: Character

3 Things I Wish I Understood Before I Got Married

3 Things I Wish I Understood Before I Got Married Theresa Forever

My husband Nate and I recently celebrated 7 full years of marriage (wooohooo)! I know, amazing right? I would love to you it’s been 7 years of bliss, awesome sex, and growing deeper in love, and all that jazz (because you know that’s what we imagine when we think about marriage or long-term relationships) but […]

Failure Is A Gift From God (3 things failure produces in you)

Failure Is A Gift From God (3 things failure produces in you)

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal:  it is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill Raise your hand if you’ve ever dropped the ball and messed up something that was important to you! You already know that I’m with you! Lol, I’ve done it many times and in most cases, I’ve been able to […]

Bet On Yourself

Bet On Yourself

Welcome back! If you’re new here you couldn’t have come at a better time (trust me, keep reading). For the past 8 months we’ve been working through challenge after challenge after challenge.  Our goal is to develop ourselves and make the most of every opportunity.  Cool, right? I know! So since we’ve been busting our […]

Integrity: Practice What You Preach

Integrity: Practice What You Preach

“Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.” – C.S Lewis Welcome back!  Y’all ain’t ready for this! Today, we’re talking about something that is so dear to my heart. It’s impossible to have lasting success without this foundation, and it’ll keep you out of trouble. You already know, I’m talking […]

How Hard Lessons Build Character

How Hard Lessons Build Character

“If you’re going through hell, keep going” – Winston Churchill If you’ve lived long enough you know life is full of hills and valley’s. In some seasons, you’ll experience both extremes at the same time. Some of you might ask, why are valley’s necessary? Why do we experience challenges like death, sickness, infidelity, addiction, and […]