
Tag: Perspective

3 Things I Wish I Understood Before I Got Married

3 Things I Wish I Understood Before I Got Married Theresa Forever

My husband Nate and I recently celebrated 7 full years of marriage (wooohooo)! I know, amazing right? I would love to you it’s been 7 years of bliss, awesome sex, and growing deeper in love, and all that jazz (because you know that’s what we imagine when we think about marriage or long-term relationships) but […]

The DNA of People Who Master Life

The DNA of People Who Master Life

If you’ve been following me for any amount of time you know that I absolutely love personal development! I’m constantly engaged in activities that not only challenge me to grow mentally, emotionally, and physically but I also enjoy expanding my perspective of the world. So today we’re talking all about world leaders like Winston Churchhill, […]

The Struggle Is Real!

How many times are you going to tell yourself “I will start next year, maybe next time, I’m not ready, this is bad timing…” and the list goes on. How many times are you going to create a plan and not follow through, not get the exact results you want, and not push yourself to […]

This Is Why You Aren’t Living Your Dreams Yet

This Is Why You Aren’t Living Your Dreams Yet

“Goals may give focus, but dreams give power.”– John C Maxwell (Click to tweet)  Let’s be honest, it’s the end of the year. You started out with big dreams and creative ways to accomplish them, but how many did you actually achieve? If you said almost none, that’s okay, because it’s perfectly NORMAL! 92% of […]

Are You Ready!?

Are You Ready!?

  Wow! I promise this won’t happen again! I went a WEEK without blogging or giving you any goodies! That’s nuts! Man, June was a hectic month. I had so many projects, deadlines, and goals that I had to reluctantly put my blog and everything else on hold to meet the immediate demands. While I […]

How This All Got Started (Why I Started Blogging)

How This All Got Started (Why I Started Blogging)

“The only impossible journey is the one you never begin” – Tony Robbins So, this past Tuesday, March 13th marked the 3-month birthday of my blog! Yaaasss! It’s only been 3 months, but baby! Things are quickly progressing. Thanks to you guys, in 3 months I’ve been able to connect with over 2,600 people around […]